Canadian Scholarships for International Students

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Last Updated On : July 04 , 2024

Scholarships are one option for overseas students to fund their education in Canada.

Scholarships are usually given to students who have excelled academically, although some universities and systems consider volunteer and employment experience a factor in scholarship benefit eligibility.

Non Canadian citizens are also eligible for a scholarship program in Canada. That is the whole paradigm of appealing to immigrants, whether undergraduates or postgraduates.

How to Apply for a Scholarship in Canada?

In Canada, each university has its own scholarship application process, depending on students' details. Our Experts has define the process in 3 steps as follows:

Provide Accurate and Complete Application

A solid application demonstrates your academic abilities and accomplishments. While it is generally recommended that you begin preparing your application as soon as possible, it is also critical to understand that your prior knowledge and how much time and effort you put into it define a solid application.

Documentation for Study Permit

Because you will be learning in another country, you must register for a Canadian study permit. Knowing how to do these things early on will help you manage your resources and time more effectively. Our professionals are standing by to assist you with everything relating to this.

Be Aware for Tuition Fee structure in Canada

Tuition for undergraduate studies in Canada ranges from CAD20,000 to CAD30,000 per year. The cost of studying in Canada will also vary based on your chosen subject, with Medicine and Dentistry being the most expensive and Humanities is on the much more affordable spectrum.

Universities in Canada Providing Scholarship

There are a handful of scholarship universities in Canada. While studying for a Master's degree in Canada is often expensive, specific colleges provide scholarships to lure great overseas students.

University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba has a Graduate Fellowship Program in which successful applicants can receive up to $14,000 yearly for up to two years, based on their academic achievement.

McGill University in Quebec

McGill University in Quebec also advertises specific scholarships, including the Arbour Foundation Scholarship , which gives up to $10,000 to successful candidates, and the Weston Fellowship , which awards $19,000 to winners and is renewable once.

University of Calgary

The Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships program rewards applicants with $26,000 for up to 2 years.

University of British Columbia

The Graduate Global Leadership Fellowship , valued at $18,200 a year, is offered by the University of British Columbia.

Essential Documents For Canadian Scholarship Program

When seeking scholarship eligibility, double-check the institution's website to ensure you've submitted all required paperwork. Most scholarship institutions, however, need specific documentation from scholarship candidates, such as:

  • Scholarship application form
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Result of the examination (like SAT, ACT, GRE, GPA)
  • An IELTS examination, for example, can prove your language skills
  • A copy of your diplomas and transcripts
  • A copy of your passport or identification
  • A motivation letter or a statement of purpose
  • Additional documentation, such as an essay and a medical report, may be required by some universities


Many international students in Canada have shared their stories . Studying in Canada was amazing for them. Students have shared their excellent education experience, abundant co-op options and vibrant social life in Canada.