
Why hire RCIC

Immigrating to a new country is indeed a complex process with a lot of paperwork, documentation and strict deadlines. With the various immigration policies, laws and visa opportunities in place, knowing which program to apply for and how to apply

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PAIC: A Global Immigration Company

We live in a modern age where physical boundaries are no longer an impediment. Businesses, schooling, and even families have the opportunity to cross national borders.

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Message from our RCIC


Paul Abraham
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Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)
License No. R406367,
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Canada.

Our RCIC, Paul Abraham, has years of experience and expertise in guiding individuals from around the globe, about Canada Permanent Residency. He has been delivering honest world-class Canadian Immigration Services for many years. PAIC offers a promising range of Immigration support and services under the expert supervision and leadership of our RCIC, Paul Abraham, and we will provide world class expert immigration analysts. PAICĀ  is ready and able to cater to the individual needs of our clients and with dedicated ethical, honest, and professional practice.

Paul Abraham Immigration Consulting
650 Washmill Lake Drive,
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3S 0H8
+1-800-795-1352 ,
14 + 3