Why Do You Need An Consultant for Canada Immigration 2024

Immigration Consultant for 2024

Last Updated On : January 11 , 2024

Canada is set to welcome an unprecedented number of immigrants in the coming years, with ambitious targets of 485,000 newcomers in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025 and 2026.

While this presents a golden opportunity for aspiring Canadians, navigating the complex and ever-evolving immigration landscape can be daunting. This is where an experienced immigration consultant becomes your invaluable guide.

Here are just a few reasons why you need an immigration consultant for Canada immigration in 2024:

Changes to the Express Entry Profile Builder

The Express Entry Profile Builder is undergoing significant changes in 2024, transitioning to the Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) system. This new system will evaluate candidates based on a more holistic and nuanced assessment of their skills and qualifications. Understanding these changes is crucial for maximising your chances of success in the Express Entry pool.

Focus on Skill Transferability

The TEER system places greater emphasis on the transferability of your skills to the Canadian labour market. This means highlighting not just your technical skills but also your soft skills, adaptability, and ability to learn and apply your knowledge to new contexts.

Enhanced Work Experience Assessment

The new system will assess your work experience more comprehensively, considering factors like the complexity of your duties, leadership roles, and problem-solving skills.

New Education Assessment

The TEER system will evaluate your education not just based on your degrees but also on the curriculum, skills gained, and relevance to your chosen occupation in Canada.

Greater Flexibility and Customization

The new system allows for more flexibility in describing your skills and experiences, enabling you to better showcase your unique strengths and qualifications.

Strategies for Optimising Your TEER Profile

Highlight Skills Transferability

Clearly demonstrate how your skills and experience are relevant to Canadian occupations and the current job market. Provide concrete examples and quantifiable achievements to support your claims.

Focus on Complex Work Experience

Prioritise detailing your most challenging and complex work experiences, showcasing your ability to handle demanding roles and solve complex problems.

Quantify Your Education

Don't just list your degrees; quantify your education by highlighting the specific skills and knowledge gained through your coursework and training.

Tailor Your Profile to NOC Codes

Research the specific National Occupation Classification (NOC) codes that align with your chosen occupation and tailor your profile to highlight skills relevant to those codes.

Use Keywords

Use keywords from the TEER system throughout your profile, ensuring your skills and experience are clearly identified and understood by the system.

Study Permit Application Changes (IMM1294)

The newly revised IMM1294 form, implemented in December 2023, introduces changes to the study permit application process. While the core information remains the same, the revised form streamlined sections, improved user experience, and introduced additional fields requiring specific details. Understanding these changes is crucial for submitting a complete and accurate application, increasing your chances of success.

Key Changes to the IMM1294 Form

Simplified Layout

The form has been reorganized with improved formatting and navigation, making it easier for applicants to find relevant sections and complete required fields.

Streamlined Sections

Certain sections, like family information and previous education, have been condensed and reorganized, requiring less repetition for applicants.

Additional Fields

New fields have been added to gather more specific details about your intended study program, financial support, and travel history.

Enhanced User Experience

The form now offers helpful instructions and pop-up tips to guide applicants through each section and clarify requirements.

Increased Transparency

The form provides clearer information about processing times and documentation requirements, enhancing communication and managing expectations.

Strategies for a Smooth Application Process

Download the Latest Version

Ensure you download the most recent version of the IMM1294 form directly from the IRCC website to avoid any compatibility issues or missing information.

Review Instructions Carefully

Read all instructions and pop-up tips thoroughly to understand each question and provide accurate and complete information.

Gather Supporting Documentation

Organize and prepare all required supporting documents, including financial statements, proof of academic acceptance, and travel documents, well in advance of submitting your application.

Proofread Carefully

Double-check your application thoroughly before submitting it to ensure there are no errors, inconsistencies, or missing information.

Seek Professional Assistance

Consider consulting a certified immigration consultant who can guide you through the revised form and ensure your application adheres to the latest regulations and requirements.

GCKey Assistance for Immigration Portal

A GCKey is a secure online credential that allows you to access various Government of Canada online services, including the new immigration portal. It serves as your personalised identification and authentication tool, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal information throughout the application process.

Obtaining Your GCKey

Applying for a GCKey is a straightforward process. You can do it directly from the GCKey website by visiting the IRCC secure account. The process involves providing basic personal information, creating a unique username and password, and answering security questions. You can also choose to link your GCKey to your online banking credentials for quicker and easier sign-in through the Sign-In Partner option.

Using Your GCKey

Once you have your GCKey, you can use it to access the new immigration portal, create a personal profile, submit applications electronically, upload supporting documents, track the progress of your application, and receive updates and communications from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

Benefits of Using a GCKey

Increased Efficiency

Submitting your application online through the portal eliminates the need for paper forms and mail, significantly reducing processing times and delays.

Enhanced Security

Your GCKey ensures the secure transfer of your sensitive information and protects your privacy throughout the application process.

Real-Time Updates

The portal provides real-time updates on the status of your application, allowing you to track its progress and receive instant notifications of any changes.

Easy Access

You can access the portal and manage your application from anywhere at anytime, offering flexibility and convenience.

Reduced Paperwork

Submitting applications electronically minimises paper usage, contributing to a more environmentally sustainable process.

Tips for Using Your GCKey

Keep Your Information Secure

Never share your GCKey username and password with anyone, and be cautious about phishing emails or websites attempting to acquire your personal information.

Update Your Information

Ensure your GCKey profile information is up-to-date, including your contact details and address, to receive important notifications and updates.

Reset Your Password Regularly

Regularly update your GCKey password for enhanced security and to comply with password complexity requirements.

Seek Help if Needed

If you encounter any difficulties accessing the portal or utilising your GCKey, don't hesitate to contact IRCC's help desk for assistance

Enhance your CRS score

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) plays a pivotal role in determining your success in the Express Entry pool, the primary pathway for skilled workers to immigrate to Canada. A high CRS score significantly increases your chances of receiving an invitation to apply (ITA) for Canadian permanent residency. Here are some strategies you can employ to enhance your CRS score and boost your competitiveness

Maximise Your Language Skills

Master English and French

Aim for a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7 in both English and French. Achieving a higher CLB level in either language can significantly boost your score.

Take Language Tests

Invest in preparing for and taking standardized language tests like IELTS or TEF Canada. Retaking the test to achieve a higher score can also be beneficial.

Maximize Your Education Points

Obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

An ECA evaluates your foreign education credentials in the context of the Canadian education system. Ensure you obtain an ECA from a designated organization recognized by IRCC.

Consider Higher Education

Pursuing further education in Canada can significantly enhance your score. Earning a master's degree or a Canadian doctorate can add substantial points.

Optimize Your Skilled Work Experience

Target NOC Codes with High Demand

Research the National Occupation Classification (NOC) codes with high demand in Canada and tailor your work experience descriptions to highlight skills relevant to those codes.

Document Your Experience Effectively

Clearly and concisely document your work experience, highlighting your duties, responsibilities, and achievements. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.

2024-2026 Immigration Plan Updated

Canada's ambitious Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 continues to prioritize economic growth, family reunification, and humanitarian responses while addressing the nation's skilled labor shortages. This plan outlines specific targets for immigration admissions, showcasing the government's commitment to welcoming newcomers and integrating them into the Canadian fabric.

Key Points of the 2024-2026 Immigration Plan

Increased overall targets

Canada aims to welcome 485,000 newcomers in 2024, 500,000 in 2025, and 500,000 in 2026. These ambitious targets reflect the country's growing demand for skilled labor and its commitment to economic development.

Focus on economic class immigration

Over 60% of newcomers will be admitted through economic class pathways, including programs for skilled workers, business immigrants, and entrepreneurs. This aligns with Canada's need to address labor shortages and boost economic growth.

Strong emphasis on Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs

These programs continue to play a crucial role in attracting skilled workers and aligning their skills with specific provincial needs. Express Entry targets will increase to 110,700 in 2024 and 117,500 in 2025 and 2026, while PNP targets will reach 110,000 in 2024 and 120,000 in 2025 and 2026.

Family reunification remains a priority

Spousal, partner, and children sponsorships will continue to be a significant focus, with targets increasing from 82,000 in 2024 to 84,000 in 2025 and 2026. This reflects Canada's commitment to family reunification and strengthening bonds between Canadian citizens and their loved ones abroad.

Addressing housing and healthcare challenges

Recognizing the potential strain on infrastructure and services, the plan outlines strategies to invest in housing and healthcare infrastructure to ensure the smooth integration of newcomers and enhance the lives of all Canadians.

Welcoming refugees and humanitarian cases

Canada remains committed to its humanitarian obligations by welcoming refugees and individuals fleeing persecution and violence. The plan sets targets for refugee resettlement and prioritizes supporting vulnerable populations.

Empowering Immigration Journey

Beyond the technical aspects, a consultant can provide invaluable emotional and strategic support throughout your immigration journey. They can answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you through the often-stressful application process.

Increased opportunities for skilled workers

With a strong focus on economic class immigration, the plan creates more opportunities for skilled professionals to immigrate to Canada.

Competitive landscape

The higher targets will likely lead to a more competitive landscape, highlighting the importance of maximizing your CRS score and utilizing available resources to enhance your application.

Adaptability and skills remain key

Demonstrating adaptability, strong skills, and a willingness to contribute to the Canadian economy will remain crucial for success in the selection process.

Strategic planning is essential

Understanding the current immigration landscape and the specifics of the plan allows aspiring immigrants to strategize their application and maximize their chances of success.


The path to Canadian residency is a unique and rewarding experience, filled with opportunities and challenges. By understanding the evolving immigration landscape, leveraging the expertise of a certified immigration consultant, and strategically preparing your application, you can confidently embark on this journey and realize your dream of becoming a permanent resident of Canada.

Embrace the opportunity, equip yourself with knowledge, and take the first step towards your new life in Canada. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate the complexities, maximise your potential, and write your own chapter in this vibrant and welcoming nation. The future is yours to shape.