7 Mistakes to Avoid Before Applying For Canadian PR

seven common mistakes to avoid

Last Updated On : November 29 , 2023

Obtaining Canadian permanent residency (PR) is an exciting but intricate process. Navigating through the complexities of immigration regulations is crucial for a successful application. To enhance your chances of success, it's imperative to steer clear of common mistakes that may lead to delays, rejections, or even ineligibility. This article will highlight seven prevalent mistakes to avoid when pursuing Canadian PR.

Part 1

Not Meeting the Eligibility Requirements

The foundation of a successful PR application lies in meeting the eligibility criteria. This involves evaluating your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, obtaining an Invitation to Apply (ITA), and potentially receiving a Notice of Interest (NOI) from a provincial nominee program (PNP).

CRS Score: Your CRS score is a pivotal factor, considering education, work experience, language skills, and more. A minimum CRS score is necessary to enter the Express Entry pool, the primary path for skilled immigrants.

ITA: An ITA is an invitation from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) extended to candidates with a high CRS score.

NOI: A provincial nomination, indicated by a NOI, can significantly boost your CRS score and increase the likelihood of receiving an ITA.

Part 2

Submitting Incomplete or Incorrect Documents

The IRCC requires a meticulous collection of supporting documents to verify your identity, education, work experience, and other relevant information. Only complete or correct documentation can lead to application delays or rejections.

ECA Evaluation: If your education credentials are from outside Canada, an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) might be required to ensure they align with Canadian standards.

LOA: A valid Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) is essential for study permit applications.

Part 3

Not Paying the Application Fees

The IRCC imposes application fees for processing PR applications. Neglecting to pay these fees can result in the suspension or rejection of your application.

Canada PR Fee: The current application fee for Canadian PR is CAD 1,040 for the primary applicant and CAD 820 for each additional family member.

Part 4

Not Attending the Medical Examination

Applicants must undergo a mandatory medical examination to ensure they meet Canada's health standards. Failure to attend this examination can halt the application process.

Immigration Medical Exam: This comprehensive examination assesses general health, mental well-being, and the presence of infectious diseases. An invitation to schedule this exam typically follows the receipt of an ITA.

Part 5

Not Providing Proof of Funds

A crucial requirement is demonstrating sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your dependents in Canada. This involves presenting proof of savings, employment, or financial support from family members.
Proof of Funds: The required amount varies based on the number of accompanying family members.

Part 6

Not Attending the Interview

The IRCC may occasionally request an interview to clarify information or address concerns. You must attend the interview with a valid reason to ensure your application is successful.

Immigration Interview: Adequate preparation for the interview is essential. Be ready to discuss your education, work experience, and immigration goals.

Part 7

Not Following Up on the Application

After submitting your application, staying informed about its status is crucial. Regularly check your online application account for updates and respond promptly to any requests from the IRCC.

Express Entry Pool: If you are part of the Express Entry pool, monitor your CRS score and update your profile regularly to enhance your chances of receiving an ITA.

Express Entry Application: Keep track of deadlines and respond promptly to additional information or documentation requests.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes?

Here are some general tips to help you avoid common mistakes when applying for Canadian PR:

  • Start planning early and gather all required documents well in advance.
  • By starting planning early and gathering all required documents well in advance, you can significantly streamline the Canadian PR application process, minimise the risk of mistakes, and increase your chances of success. Remember, thorough preparation and attention to detail are key to navigating the immigration system effectively and achieving your Canadian dreams.

  • Read the application instructions carefully and follow them meticulously.
  • Only complete or accurate information can lead to delays in processing your application or, in some cases, rejection. For instance, submitting an incomplete application may result in a request for additional information, causing delays in processing and potentially extending the overall application timeline. Similarly, providing inaccurate information, such as incorrect dates or missing details, may raise concerns about your eligibility or the authenticity of your documents, leading to further scrutiny or even rejection. Adhering to the instructions minimises the risk of these issues and ensures your application is handled smoothly and efficiently.

  • Before submitting your application, double-check all information and documentation to ensure it aligns with the instructions and meets all requirements.
  • A well-prepared and error-free application reflects positively on your attention to detail and commitment to the process. This conveys to the IRCC that you are a meticulous and organised individual who takes pride in the quality of your work. Such qualities are highly valued in Canadian society and can contribute to your overall application success.

  • Seek professional guidance from an immigration consultant if needed.
  • While self-preparation is possible, seeking professional guidance from an immigration consultant can significantly enhance your chances of success in the Canadian PR application process. Their expertise, knowledge, and support can save you time, reduce stress, and increase your likelihood of achieving your permanent residency goals.

  • Ensure your documents are complete, accurate, and translated into English or French (if applicable).
  • The Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) application process requires comprehensive supporting documents to verify your identity, education, work experience, and other relevant information. Complete, accurate, and translated documents provide the IRCC with the necessary evidence to assess your eligibility for PR. They substantiate your claims, such as educational qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and financial means, demonstrating that you meet the program's requirements.

  • Pay application fees promptly and correctly
  • Paying application fees promptly and correctly is essential to the Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) application process. These fees contribute to the processing and assessment of your application, ensuring that the IRCC has the necessary resources to evaluate your qualifications and eligibility for PR. Timely and accurate fee payment demonstrates your commitment to the process and understanding of the financial obligations involved.

  • Attend all scheduled appointments, including medical examinations and interviews.
  • Interact with the IRCC staff positively, courteously, and respectfully. This demonstrates your professionalism and suitability for permanent residency in Canada. Remember, attending all scheduled appointments, including medical examinations and interviews, is essential to the Canadian PR application process. Demonstrating your commitment, cooperation, and professionalism can enhance your chances of securing permanent residency and establishing yourself in Canada.

  • Provide proof of funds as requested.
  • Organise documents logically and label them clearly for easy reference. This will streamline the IRCC's review process. Remember, providing accurate and complete proof of funds is essential for demonstrating your financial readiness to immigrate to Canada and contribute to the country's economy.
    Adhering to the IRCC's requirements and submitting the necessary documentation can enhance your chances of achieving your Canadian PR goals.

  • Stay informed about your application status and respond swiftly to any communications from the IRCC.
  • When responding to IRCC communications, maintain a professional and courteous tone. Provide clear, concise, and accurate information, addressing all questions or concerns the IRCC raises.

    Effective communication and proactive monitoring are essential for a successful Canadian PR application. By staying informed, responding promptly to IRCC communications, and maintaining a positive and professional approach, you can enhance your chances of achieving your permanent residency goals.


By steering clear of the common mistakes highlighted in this article, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful Canadian PR application. Thorough preparation, attention to detail, and timely action are key components to navigating the immigration process smoothly and fulfilling your Canadian dreams.


For credentials obtained outside Canada, undergo an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to ensure they meet Canadian standards. This evaluation is essential for validating the equivalence of your qualifications.

PNPs are programs Canadian provinces offer to nominate individuals for PR based on specific criteria. Understanding and exploring PNPs is crucial, as a provincial nomination can substantially boost your CRS score.

Regularly update your Express Entry profile with qualifications, work experience, or language proficiency improvements. This proactive approach ensures your CRS score reflects your most current achievements.

Yes, consider adaptability factors such as job offers, previous Canadian work or study experience, or a relative in Canada. These factors contribute to your overall CRS score and increase your chances of success..

Seeking assistance from a qualified immigration consultant or lawyer is advisable. Professional advice can guide you through the complexities of the immigration process, ensuring compliance with all requirements.